
Guess this will be a blog spot for linking to Team Jenny on SparkPeople.com.

Since I have a blog over there, too, this almost seems redundant, but who knows?

Friday, June 17, 2011

So, did I do it?

I notice I don't update this blog very often. My last post talked about training to speed walk the half Marathon on May 1st, 2011. Did I ever do it?

You better believe I did! Here I am with my finisher's medal. I finished in 2 hours, 47 minutes, and 18 seconds. Walking almost the whole way, did jog into the stadium at the end.

After the event, I took some recovery time. But now my son's challenged me to a 5K that will happen on July 22nd, so... back in training to jog. Woo-hoo... onward to continued fitness.